The goal of the project was for Rudtek to create the sites and management system that would allow the Structure Conference users to be empowered by ease of use in a sophisticated event-driven industry. Rudtek created 4 highly customizable user-managed sites for Structure. All sites were designed by a professional graphic designer and developed by Rudtek.
Services Provided
Website Design & Development
Structure Events was looking for an information portal and three event driven sites where speakers, agenda and sponsors would be added and removed on a daily to weekly basis for their Structure Conferences.
Structure Conference is the parent site to the three separate conferences. Information and events were fed to this site from each of the 3 under its umbrella which created a one stop information portal for users interested in all ideas Structure related.
Structure Connect - covers areas such as how to build for security and privacy when everything’s connected and business models.
Structure Data - brings together developers and leaders in the data field who are passionate about asking the right questions and identifying problems worth solving.
Structure Security - highlights the best practices that security professionals are using to protect some of the world’s largest companies and institutions, and examines the future of security products, services, and the threats that aim to take them down.