Creating HTML entities and language accent marks is something Rudtek needs often in creating new sites. For Language marks, the umlaut, circumflex, accent grave, and accent acute are extremely important.
Designing a website is sometimes done with HTML, but often our clients type out their content ahead of time on their PCs, so we’ve put together this list on how to get each of these accent marks on both the PC and how to do it with HTML entities.
On Windows PCs, enable Num Lock. Hold down the Alt key while typing the appropriate number code on the numeric keypad to create characters with umlaut marks.
If you do not have a numeric keypad on the right side of your keyboard, these numeric codes will not work. The row of numbers at the top of the keyboard, above the alphabet, will not work for numeric codes.
As a quick note if you are just wanting the letter with it’s accent you can copy and paste it right from this page!
On a PC
These are the numeric codes for uppercase letters with an umlaut:
- Ä = Alt+0196
- Ë = Alt+0203
- Ï = Alt+0207
- Ö = Alt+0214
- Ü = Alt+0220
- Ÿ = Alt+0159
These are the numeric codes for lowercase letters with an umlaut:
- ä = Alt+0228
- ë = Alt+0235
- ï = Alt+0239
- ö = Alt+0246
- ü = Alt+0252
- ÿ = Alt+0255
On Your Website (HTML)
Render characters with an umlaut by typing & (the ampersand symbol), followed by the letter (like A), the letters uml, and then a semicolon (;). This string must not include any spaces between the characters.
Here are some examples:
- ë = ë
- Ü = Ü
- ÿ = ÿ
On Your PC
Numeric codes for upper-case circumflex accent marks:
- Â = Alt + 0194
- Ê = Alt + 0202
- Î = Alt + 0206
- Ô = Alt + 0212
- Û = Alt + 0219
Numeric codes for lower-case circumflex accent marks:
- â = Alt + 0226
- ê = Alt + 0234
- î = Alt + 0238
- ô = Alt + 0244
- û = Alt + 0251
On Your Website (HTML)
Render characters with circumflex accent marks by typing the “&”(ampersand symbol), then the letter (e, U, and so on), then circ followed by “;” (a semicolon) without any spaces between them, such as:
- ê = ê
- Û = Û
On Your PC
- À = Alt + 0192
- È = Alt + 0200
- Ì = Alt + 0204
- Ò = Alt + 0210
- Ù = Alt + 0217
For Windows, the number codes for the lowercase letters are:
- à = Alt + 0224
- è = Alt + 0232
- ì = Alt + 0236
- ò = Alt + 0242
- ù = Alt + 0249
On Your Website (HTML)
To use a grave accent mark on a website, you insert the mark in HTML by typing the & (ampersand symbol) followed by the letter (A, E, I, O, or U), the word grave then ; (semicolon) without any spaces between them. As an example:
- à = à
On Your PC
Numeric codes for uppercase letters with acute accent marks include:
- Á = Alt+0193
- É = Alt+0201
- Í = Alt+0205
- Ó = Alt+0211
- Ú = Alt+0218
- Ý = Alt+0221
Numeric codes for lowercase letters with acute accent marks are:
- á = Alt+0225
- é = Alt+0233
- í = Alt+0237
- ó = Alt+0243
- ú = Alt+0250
- ý = Alt+0253
On Your Website (HTML)
To use a grave accent mark on a website, you insert the mark in HTML by typing the & (ampersand symbol), then the letter (A, e, U, and so on), then the word acute, then ; (a semicolon) without any spaces between them. For example
- é = é
Final Note
There are many other html entities than just these language accents. If you’re looking for the all of them, check out our complete list of HTML entities.
As always, if you have questions or want to know more please get in touch with Rudtek and we’ll help you sort your accents and entities!